Five Favorites


Tonight I’m watching Billy Graham: An Extraordinary Journey. It was on TV shortly after he passed, but I bet it’s available somewhere … OnDemand or something. Anyways, it’s so good. I’ve always been a fan of biographical reports, but this one is extra special to me because I accepted Jesus into my heart at one of Billy Graham’s crusades. If you can stream it, do! A worthwhile hour for sure.

Eli is snoozing next to me and I’m eating my very favorite granola (it used to be at Costco and I desperately want it to come back!), so I figured, since I’ve got gobs of favorites going on tonight, why not share a few favorites with you. So, here they are!

Why Motherhood Matters. I’m reading it slowly because it’s so full of encouragement and insight. Trying to apply September’s wisdom bit by bit. I truly love learning from other moms.

Bought these bookends for the homeschool room!

Planning to use this outdoor bench inside. It’s such a classic shape and I absolutely adore it! Plus, for a piece of furniture, the price is right!

Truly the best sweatshirt.

We’re making progress in the homeschool room and soon I’ll get to decorate! This poster is on the top of my decor wish list. Classic and chic, right?

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