
 currently 7-12-14

Celebrating /// Max’s birthday!!! Well, almost. His shark-themed birthday invitations have been purchased and I’m both loving and hating this last month of having a one year old. So. Many. Emotions. BTW, ordering custom invites on Etsy and then doing the Create Your Own option on gets you 25 invites for $17.25 (plus whatever Etsy design you commission) – best deal I’ve found for sure!

Growing /// two, happy and healthy children. #lifecomplete

Playing /// the “let’s not spend any grocery money” game. I’ve been very creative with our pantry and freezer lately and then fell victim to Trek Mix and pre-packaged guacamole (so it doesn’t get brown!) at Costco. Oops! Both are amazing and I am regretting neither purchase.

Setting /// big goals. One I’ve never attempted before, but have thought tons about … I’m jogging a 5K on August 23rd! I’m a week into training and have already registered so no turning back! Follow along with my runs and grumblings on Instagram #tmg5korbust

Feeling /// PRODUCTIVE! After a marathon few weeks we spent most of this past week at home. And it was lovely. Naps, organizing, deep cleaning, simplifying, library visits, runs, parks … there are many areas of the house that still look exploded, but you know what they say, it always gets worse before it gets better.

And a few links to share …

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