This weekend marks the end of deal season for me :( The weather has turned, so no yard sale-ing and LMNOP is the final consignment sale in my area until next spring.
I’d be in a puddle of tears had I not found such amazing deals last night, but since I did, I’ll hold strong for a few months :) Please tell me I’m not the only one who gets a bit of a sale high. I mean, paying a mere percentage of retails makes me so so so happy!
Favorite scores this round include a deluxe My Little Pony pack – pretty much some little sweetheart’s ENTIRE collection including a HUGE castle and 15 ponies (without matted hair) and tons of accessories for $25 :) Jemma is going to be one happy girl this Christmas. And for Max, a whole tool set for $4.
With clothes, it usually seems that I either find tons for Jem or tons for Max. Oddly, it was pretty even this time. Jammies for Max and a few tees to grow into and for Jemma a princess dress-up dress, pristine white cardigan for the holidays and the darling flower skirt (top left) and GAP embroidered jean jacket (top right). All in all, a lovely sale! AND, there is tons left for all the weekend shoppers!
If you’re local, pop over here for all the details about this fabulous sale!
This post was sponsored by the LMNOP Kids Consignment Sale. All opinions are my own and I would have happily shopped at the sale even without an advertising partnership!
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