The Grand Opening of PRAIRIE PRETTY!

My mama, sisters, and I have finally launched our Etsy shop – Prairie Pretty … take a moment to look around and like us on Facebook. And … through the end of June you can use the promo code PONYEXPRESS for free shipping! Woohoo! Happy shopping :)
Here’s the story behind Prairie Pretty …
My two sisters and I grew up on the top of a hill overlooking a field filled with flowers, old orchard trees, and little critters. It was our prairie and we were prairie sisters. Our mama grew up in the farmhouse on the edge of our little prairie and she taught us everything we know about being resourceful and creative.
Prairie Pretty is a mix of that resourcefulness and creativity. We love to piece together treasures that are both pretty and practical; mixing new with old and finding ways to create the things we need rather than buy expensive, disposable alternatives.
Now that we are grown and living in different cities, Prairie Pretty has become the virtual home of our fond childhood memories. Check back often for new handmade and vintage treasures – we’re always trying new projects and can’t wait to share part of our prairie with you! 
… Oh so many ways to follow along …
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