Check it out … another style post this week!
In the spirit of remixing a la Dwelling & Telling and Kendi Everyday I’m wearing the same boots and cardigan from my last outfit post.
Cardigan and Blouse – Gap
Belt – H&M
Trousers – LOFT
Boots – Steve Madden
Jemma usually wears 2 outfits each day. Not because she is super fashionable, but because she is a drool monster and soaks through her tops. She ended up with a sad little rash due to her triple chin and wet tops :( I whipped that rash into shape with my magic coconut oil. So, between 2 outfit days and coconut oil we’re set to go!
Headband (left) – Zuzii
Onesie (left) – Zee Spot Organic
Headband (right) KQ Outlet
Boy’s Layered T – Gap via consignment
Bootcut Leggings – Target
Socks – Gymboree
P.S. Those Steve Madden boots of my. The ones I adore. I’ve been craving them in black, but wasn’t about to spend $130 of my hard earned dough. So, I stalked eBay until the right deal came along. And it came. AND. I. WON. That’s right. I’m the proud owner of a black pair too. Only $86 buck-a-roos. That’s a deal.
P.P.S. My rad iPhone that took these pictures. It tragically fell to the conrete the other day when I was juggling a bajillion things in my arms. One of the bajillion things was Jemma. Instead of dropping her, I dropped my phone to it’s death. Well, it’s not totally dead. The glass is cracked and a weird smell is coming out of it. I’m going to the Genius Bar at Apple tomorrow to hopefully get a replacement. I don’t really know if my odds are good, but I’m hoping my sad story about sacrificing my phone over my daughter helps. Pray I get a nice genius. If I don’t I might have to go back to a crap phone. After my boot purchase I don’t think a new phone is in the el budgeto :(
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