Mama Must Haves – Moroccan Oil

If you are stopping by for the D-List Blog Party you can read my welcome post here.

I few weeks ago my mom came home from the salon with a little bottle of magic … it costs $14, and is well worth every cent. I have had it for over a month and you can hardly tell any has been used. What you can tell is my gorgeously soft locks springing into summer action! I love it and highly recommend you splurging on some for yourself.

During my first Mama Must Haves post, I got alot of feedback about not forgetting to pamper yourself. Between diapers, all-nighters, and housework I’m gathering that it is crucial to fit in some “mama time” for sanity’s sake. Moroccan Oil will definitely be a player in “mama time” for me. My hair might be in a ponytail for the first few months, but at least it will be asoft ponytail!

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