5 Things That Worked For Me This Year

I subscribe to just a handful of blogs these days. One of them being Everyday Reading. Janssen has consistent, wonderful recommendations … beyond just books!

She has written a series for the last few years reflecting on the year and what worked for her. It’s such a simple way to highlight the good that came from a specific year. And, when noted, easier to keep going, shift, and/or build on.

Although January has been a rough month three years in a row now, I did spend the month recalling a few things that went well in 2023. Here’s what worked for me …

5 things that worked for me this year

  1. I took a homeopathy class. At the beginning of 2023 I set this as a goal and in November I had the opportunity to join a study cohort. It has actually continued through the new year and I’m truly grateful I didn’t shy away from such an intense class during the busyness of the holidays. I have learned so much. My family is benefitting greatly. My only regret? Not doing this earlier in my mothering days. If you’re interested, this is the starter kit I began with.
  2. I cut my hair. I’ve kept long hair for years in favor of top knots and braids but have truly found a bit of freedom in having shorter hair. It’s fresh and fun and much easier to wash and style.
  3. We hired house cleaners. This technically started in 2022, maybe 2021, but since this is my first time recapping what worked for me, well, I’m going to say “sticking with our house cleaners” definitely worked. I often feel guilty embracing this luxury and I spend every other Wednesday cleaning before the cleaners (it’s a thing!), but knowing I can count on clean bathrooms and floors twice a month is truly a gift that makes our lives run much smoother.
  4. I switched to daily contacts. For decades I’ve had biweekly contacts. That meant contact solution and cases and lots of remembering. Last spring I switched to dailies and it’s been so much easier. Technically they’re more expensive, at least with my eye insurance, but this change has also kept me more mindful of days I truly want to wear contacts versus sticking with glasses. And I actually really like glasses as an accessory!
  5. We simplified read alouds. I’ve held to an idyllic hope of reading aloud with ALL the kids. But schedules are busy and shifting and it was taking months to get through even short chapter books. Now I’m reading one-on-one (or in pairs) in some kind of rotation and not only it is giving us more reading time overall, but special snuggles and conversations too. I hope to return to family read alouds (or even audiobooks) over the summer, but for now this switch has worked well.

What habits did you add and maintain last year?

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