This + That


I’ve started running again. Well, jogging/walking/jogging/walking. Pretty much, I’m back to the beginning after abandoning everything I gained this summer from my 5K training. Humph. It has coupled well with starting Whole30 because when I eat better I want to exercise and when I exercise I want to eat better. 

Here’s the irony — I’m registered for a Donut Dash 5K to top off all my efforts. Bahaha! I get a donut at the end of the race! 

Today is day 5 of Whole30 and I’m so impressed with myself that I’ve stuck with it this far. If I continue to make progress I’ll definitely write up a whole post about how things are going. If I don’t, I’ll crawl onto the couch with a box chocolate covered Franz donuts and call it a valiant effort.

Until then, I’m sipping my tea (Whole30 compliant!) and sharing a little bit of this and a little bit of that with ya’ll …

Make dinner fun with this genius idea! Jemma loves it big time!

What did you learn in 2014? I love this reflection.

Think about measles.

Tell me what you know about Paige
I ate brussel sprouts for the first time as part of Whole30, didn’t love them, but am willing to try again because of this.
We need to do more for foster children.
Gluten free and on my menu come February/post Whole30.
I wanna be a teacher now.
Brilliant tips for all the expectant mamas to share on Facebook with a “hint, hint” :)
My favorite post in awhile and from a dad!
I can’t wait to show you want I got from Twice – super brand names for super cheap! Take a peek here.
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