Let’s Get Funky – A Cloth Diaper Review + Giveaway! #FluffyXmas

Welcome to the greatly anticipated 4th annual Merry Fluffy Christmas Giveaway Event!! There are 46 blogs that are giving away cloth diapering prize packages $50+! Make sure you enter here and then hop to all the others!! There are thousands in fluffy prizes to be won! This year, there are also two HUGE Grand Prize packages, on both of the host blogs, And Then There Were 5 and Mommy’s Favorite Things! So make sure you enter to win those as well! Good luck!
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Before we get in to all the giveaway goodness, I want to share a bit about the wonderful company and product I had the opportunity to review (and you have the opportunity to win)! It’s been quite awhile since I chatted about cloth diapering, but I promise ya, I’m still at it :) Jemma is now pretty close to being diaper-free … but that’s a whole other post. And all 30 pounds of Max is still boppin’ around with a fluffy bum. Most days, a Funky Fluff bum :)

Over the last few weeks Max and I have had the chance to try out a new cloth diaper, Funky Fluff, and it’s one of the first I reach for when all the laundry is clean. Here’s what I love about it …
Funky Fluff is versatile
Funky Fluff diapers are considered 3-in-1! That means they can act as an all-in-1, all-in-2 or a pocket diaper. I’ve tried it all three ways and love the pocket option the best. For mamas who don’t know what they’ll like (or what will work best for their babe) I think this is a fabulous feature!
Funky Fluff also lets mamas choose between a stay dry or bamboo insert. In my opinion, bamboo is the bomb.com when it comes to maximum absorption, and I’ve learned that with a boy, that is a big perk! Plus, bamboo mega soft!  

In my opinion, one-size diapers are the best bang for your buck. Funky Fluff has three rise settings which allows them to diaper your babe from 7-35+ pounds. And last, but not least, Funky Fluff has double gussets at the legs which in my book are a must when it comes to avoiding poo-splosions!
Funky Fluff is colorful
Call me superficial, but I really like my diapers to be pretty. In most cases, this means I prefer something with a real organic look or something super colorful. Funky Fluff has color covered … I mean, look at this awesome selection!
Funky Fluff is a mama biz
I’m drawn to businesses started by mamas and the founders and owners of Funky Fluff, Kathy + Tricia, are just that – cloth diapering mamas like you and I! Read more about them here.
Funky Fluff is the whole package
By this, I mean that they’ve got all the accessories you’ll need too. I’m big ol’ fan of wet bags with two compartments – one for clean diapers and one for dirties. You can purchase pail liners, soakers and boosters too.
Ready to get funky with your little one?
Enter this fabulous giveaway from Funky Fluff for one of their Starter Kits which includes …
  • 1 Funky Fluff Fusion 3 in 1 Stay Dry Diaper
  • 1 Funky Fluff Fusion 3 in 1 Bamboo Diaper
  • 1 Funky Fluff Double Pocket Wet Bag
  • 1 Funky Fluff Bamboo Booster
  • 1 additional Stay Dry soaker to allow for AI2 use
  • 1 additional Bamboo soaker to allow for AI2 use

Remember the mention of other blogs that are reviewing and giving away cloth diaper and cloth diaper accessories? Yep, here they all are! Take a peek and don’t forget to enter the grand prizes too! Yay for a #FluffyXmas!

Disclaimer: Funky Fluff and I partnered for this review by exchanging product for advertising. I was not monetarily compensated for this post. I fully believe Funky Fluff is up to par with the other one-size cloth diapers I have written about in the past and spent my own money on. Rest assured that these are top notch!

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