Birthday Giveaway: Nursies When the Sun Shines

We are a book family through and through. Dominic loves finance and business books. I love everything from teen fiction (hello, Hunger Games) to classics to my growing collection of parenting resources. And Jemma, she has an obsession with turning pages that I know will quickly grow into a love for words and pictures.

A number of children’s books we’ve encountered don’t really jive with our family philosophy which is why I was so happy to learn about Nursies When the Sun Shines. Katherine Havener (author) and Sara Burrier (illustrator) offer an attachment parenting approach to a very normal occurrence – night time weaning.

In Nursies, a toussle-haired toddler is snuggled up in bed with mom and dad, ready to go to sleep for the night, the family’s grey striped cat snoozing soundly at their feet. When the toddler wakes at night for “nursies,” mom shows her baby that it’s dark outside, and assures baby that she’ll have nursies when the sun shines. Later, with brilliant sun streaming through the window, the toddler knows it’s time for nursies. The book closes with a heart-warming illustration of a nursing family: the toddler, nuzzled up to mama’s breast, daddy kissing toddler’s head, and even the family cat purring a love song.

Jemma and I have not yet begun to night wean, but this book has made the idea much less scary for me. I’m very thankful there is a story we can share to introduce this transition with gentleness when the time comes.

Would you like a copy of Nursies for your family or someone you know? Enter below …

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